APA Proofreading & Formatting Services

Proofreading & Formatting

Using Microsoft Word, I will ensure your document matches APA 7 style. This includes

  • headings
  • text
  • tables
  • figures
  • references
  • title page
  • abstract
  • front matter (table of contents, list of tables, etc.)
  • block quotes
  • page numbers
  • appendices

Many journals and programs have style guides or templates that mostly follow APA 7 but have slight differences. I will match the guide or template you give me.

I have worked on hundreds of dissertations and journal articles, including Western and OISE dissertations in practice (DiPs, formerly OIPs), with excellent feedback from authors, professors, and examiners. See my website for more information about me: karenlowry.ca

Checking References

Using Microsoft Word, I will ensure your reference list entries are formatted in APA 7 style. I will check all aspects of each source and correct or fill in missing information when it’s available online. I will mark any missing information I can’t find.

Checking That Citations Match

I will check that every citation in your paper has a matching entry in the reference list and that every entry in the reference list is cited in your paper. I will ensure that the citations and references match in terms of names and dates, and I will format all aspects of the citations (page numbers, adding authors’ initials as needed, etc.).

I will identify citations and references without a match.